
Module containing classes for generic UI elements.

Contains base UI element class, along with UI implementation agnostic UI element classes.


Class Doc
UIElement Base class for all UI elements. Extended by base widget and popup classes.
UIImplementation Base class for ui implementations.
TextBoxImplementation(UIImplementation) UI implementation for a single-row textbox input
MenuImplementation(UIImplementation) A scrollable menu UI element
CheckBoxMenuImplementation(MenuImplementation) Class representing checkbox menu ui implementation
TextBlockImplementation(UIImplementation) Base class for TextBlockImplementation


class UIElement

Base class for all UI elements. Extended by base widget and popup classes.

Interfaces between UIImplementation subclasses and CUI engine. For example, a widget is a subclass of a UIElement. Then a TextBox widget would be a subclass of the base widget class, and the TextBoxImplementation. The TextBoxImplementation superclass contains logic for all textbox required operations, while the widget base class contains all links to the CUI engine.


Attribute Type Doc
_id str Internal UI element unique ID
_title str UI element title
_padx, pady int, int padding in terminal characters
_start_x, _start_y int, int Coords in terminal characters for top-left corner of element
_stop_x, _stop_y int, int Coords in terminal characters for bottom-right corner of element
_height, width int, int absolute dimensions of ui element in terminal characters
_color int Default color for which to draw element
_border_color int Color used to draw the border of the element when not focused
_focus_border_color int Color used to draw the border of the element when focused
_selected bool toggle for marking an element as selected
_renderer py_cui.renderer.Renderer The default ui renderer
_logger py_cui.debug.PyCUILogger The default logger inherited from the parent
_help_text str Text to diplay when selected in status bar


Method Doc
get_absolute_start_pos Must be implemented by subclass, computes the absolute coords of upper-left corner
get_absolute_stop_pos Must be implemented by subclass, computes the absolute coords of bottom-right corner
get_absolute_dimensions Gets dimensions of element in terminal characters
update_height_width Function that refreshes position and dimensons on resize.
get_viewport_height Gets the height of the element viewport (height minus padding and borders)
get_id Gets the element ID
get_title Getter for ui element title
get_padding Gets ui element padding on in characters
get_start_position Gets coords of upper left corner
get_stop_position Gets coords of lower right corner
get_color Gets current element color
get_border_color Gets current element border color
get_selected_color Gets current selected item color
is_selected Get selected status
get_renderer Gets reference to renderer object
get_help_text Returns current help text
set_title Function that sets the widget title.
set_color Sets element default color
set_border_color Sets element border color
set_focus_border_color Sets element border color if the current element
set_selected_color Sets element sected color
set_selected Marks the UI element as selected or not selected
set_help_text Sets status bar help text
set_focus_text Sets status bar focus text. Legacy function, overridden by set_focus_text
_handle_key_press Must be implemented by subclass. Used to handle keypresses
_handle_mouse_press Can be implemented by subclass. Used to handle mouse presses
_draw Must be implemented by subclasses. Uses renderer to draw element to terminal
_assign_renderer Function that assigns a renderer object to the element
_contains_position Checks if character position is within element.


def __init__(self, id, title, renderer, logger)

Initializer for UIElement base class


def get_absolute_start_pos(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Must be implemented by subclass, computes the absolute coords of upper-left corner


def get_absolute_stop_pos(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Must be implemented by subclass, computes the absolute coords of bottom-right corner


def get_absolute_dimensions(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets dimensions of element in terminal characters


Return Variable Type Doc
height, width int, int Dimensions of element in terminal characters


def update_height_width(self) -> None

Function that refreshes position and dimensons on resize.

If necessary, make sure required widget attributes updated here as well.


def get_viewport_height(self) -> int

Gets the height of the element viewport (height minus padding and borders)


Return Variable Type Doc
viewport_height int Height of element viewport in terminal characters


def get_id(self) -> int

Gets the element ID


Return Variable Type Doc
id int The ui element id


def get_title(self) -> str

Getter for ui element title


Return Variable Type Doc
title str UI element title


def get_padding(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets ui element padding on in characters


Return Variable Type Doc
padx, pady int, int Padding on either axis in characters


def get_start_position(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets coords of upper left corner


Return Variable Type Doc
start_x, start_y int, int Coords of upper right corner


def get_stop_position(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets coords of lower right corner


Return Variable Type Doc
stop_x, stop_y int, int Coords of lower right corner


def get_color(self) -> int

Gets current element color


Return Variable Type Doc
color int color code for combination


def get_border_color(self) -> int

Gets current element border color


Return Variable Type Doc
color int color code for combination


def get_selected_color(self) -> int

Gets current selected item color


Return Variable Type Doc
color int color code for combination


def is_selected(self) -> bool

Get selected status


Return Variable Type Doc
selected bool True if selected, False otherwise


def get_renderer(self) -> 'py_cui.renderer.Renderer'

Gets reference to renderer object


Return Variable Type Doc
renderer py_cui.renderer.Render renderer object used for drawing element


def get_help_text(self) -> str

Returns current help text


Return Variable Type Doc
help_text str Current element status bar help message


def set_title(self, title: str)

Function that sets the widget title.


Parameter Type Doc
title str New widget title


def set_color(self, color: int) -> None

Sets element default color


Parameter Type Doc
color int New color pair key code


def set_border_color(self, color: int) -> None

Sets element border color


Parameter Type Doc
color int New color pair key code


def set_focus_border_color(self, color: int) -> None

Sets element border color if the current element

is focused


Parameter Type Doc
color int New color pair key code


def set_selected_color(self, color: int) -> None

Sets element sected color


Parameter Type Doc
color int New color pair key code


def set_selected(self, selected: bool) -> None

Marks the UI element as selected or not selected


Parameter Type Doc
selected bool The new selected state of the element


def set_help_text(self, help_text: str) -> None

Sets status bar help text


Parameter Type Doc
help_text str New statusbar help text


def set_focus_text(self, focus_text: str) -> None

Sets status bar focus text. Legacy function, overridden by set_focus_text


Parameter Type Doc
focus_text str New statusbar help text


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed)

Must be implemented by subclass. Used to handle keypresses


def _handle_mouse_press(self, x, y, mouse_event)

Can be implemented by subclass. Used to handle mouse presses


Parameter Type Doc
x, y int, int Coordinates of the mouse press event.


def _draw(self)

Must be implemented by subclasses. Uses renderer to draw element to terminal


def _assign_renderer(self, renderer: 'py_cui.renderer.Renderer', quiet: bool=False) 

Function that assigns a renderer object to the element

(Meant for internal usage only)


Parameter Type Doc
renderer py_cui.renderer.Renderer Renderer for drawing element


Error Type Doc
error PyCUIError If parameter is not an initialized renderer.


def _contains_position(self, x: int, y: int) -> bool

Checks if character position is within element.


Parameter Type Doc
x int X coordinate to check
y int Y coordinate to check


Return Variable Type Doc
contains bool True if (x,y) is within the element, false otherwise


class UIImplementation

Base class for ui implementations.

Should be extended for creating logic common accross ui elements. For example, a textbox needs the same logic for a widget or popup. This base class is only used to initialize the logger


Attribute Type Doc
_logger py_cui.debug.PyCUILogger parent logger object reference.


def __init__(self, logger)


class TextBoxImplementation(UIImplementation)

UI implementation for a single-row textbox input


Attribute Type Doc
_text str The text in the text box
_initial_cursor int Initial position of the cursor
_cursor_x, _cursor_y int The absolute positions of the cursor in the terminal window
_cursor_text_pos int the cursor position relative to the text
_cursor_max_left, cursor_max_right int The cursor bounds of the text box
_viewport_width int The width of the textbox viewport
_password bool Toggle to display password characters or text


Method Doc
get_initial_cursor_pos Gets initial cursor position
get_cursor_text_pos Gets current position of cursor relative to text
get_cursor_limits Gets cursor extreme points in terminal position
get_cursor_position Returns current cursor poition
get_viewport_width Gets the width of the textbox viewport
set_text Sets the value of the text. Overwrites existing text
get Gets value of the text in the textbox
clear Clears the text in the textbox
_move_left Shifts the cursor the the left. Internal use only
_move_right Shifts the cursor the the right. Internal use only
_insert_char Inserts char at cursor position. Internal use only
_jump_to_start Jumps to the start of the textbox. Internal use only
_jump_to_end Jumps to the end to the textbox. Internal use only
_erase_char Erases character at textbox cursor. Internal Use only
_delete_char Deletes character to right of texbox cursor. Internal use only


def __init__(self, initial_text: str, password: bool , logger)

Initializer for the TextBoxImplementation base class


def get_initial_cursor_pos(self) -> int

Gets initial cursor position


Return Variable Type Doc
initial_cursor int Initial position of the cursor


def get_cursor_text_pos(self) -> int

Gets current position of cursor relative to text


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_text_pos int the cursor position relative to the text


def get_cursor_limits(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets cursor extreme points in terminal position


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_max_left, cursor_max_right int The cursor bounds of the text box


def get_cursor_position(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Returns current cursor poition


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_x, cursor_y int The absolute positions of the cursor in the terminal window


def get_viewport_width(self) -> int

Gets the width of the textbox viewport


Return Variable Type Doc
viewport_width int The width of the textbox viewport


def set_text(self, text: str)

Sets the value of the text. Overwrites existing text


Parameter Type Doc
text str The text to write to the textbox


def get(self) -> str

Gets value of the text in the textbox


Return Variable Type Doc
text str The current textbox test


def clear(self) -> None

Clears the text in the textbox


def _move_left(self) -> None

Shifts the cursor the the left. Internal use only


def _move_right(self) -> None

Shifts the cursor the the right. Internal use only


def _insert_char(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Inserts char at cursor position. Internal use only


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed


def _jump_to_start(self) -> None

Jumps to the start of the textbox. Internal use only


def _jump_to_end(self) -> None

Jumps to the end to the textbox. Internal use only


def _erase_char(self) -> None

Erases character at textbox cursor. Internal Use only


def _delete_char(self) -> None

Deletes character to right of texbox cursor. Internal use only

class MenuImplementation(UIImplementation)

A scrollable menu UI element

Allows for creating a scrollable list of items of which one is selectable. Analogous to a RadioButton


Attribute Type Doc
_top_view int the uppermost menu element in view
_selected_item int the currently highlighted menu item
_view_items list of str list of menu items


Method Doc
clear Clears all items from the Scroll Menu
set_on_selection_change_event Function that sets the function fired when menu selection changes.
_process_selection_change_event Function that executes on-selection change event either with the current menu item, or with no-args"""
set_selected_item_index Sets the currently selected item
_scroll_up Function that scrolls the view up in the scroll menu
_scroll_down Function that scrolls the view down in the scroll menu
_jump_up Function for jumping up menu several spots at a time
_jump_down Function for jumping down the menu several spots at a time
_jump_to_top Function that jumps to the top of the menu
_jump_to_bottom Function that jumps to the bottom of the menu
add_item Adds an item to the menu.
add_item_list Adds a list of items to the scroll menu.
remove_selected_item Function that removes the selected item from the scroll menu.
remove_item Function that removes a specific item from the menu
get_item_list Function that gets list of items in a scroll menu
get Function that gets the selected item from the scroll menu
set_selected_item Function that replaces the currently selected item with a new item


def __init__(self, logger)

Initializer for MenuImplementation base class


def clear(self) -> None

Clears all items from the Scroll Menu


def set_on_selection_change_event(self, on_selection_change_event: Callable[[Any],Any])

Function that sets the function fired when menu selection changes.

Event function must take 0 or 1 parameters. If 1 parameter, the new selcted item will be passed in.


Parameter Type Doc
on_selection_change_event Callable Callable function that takes in as an argument the newly selected element


Error Type Doc
Unknown TypeError Raises a type error if event function is not callable


def _process_selection_change_event(self)

Function that executes on-selection change event either with the current menu item, or with no-args"""

Identify num of args from callable. This allows for user to create commands that take in x, y

coords of the mouse press as input

num_args = 0 try: num_args = len(inspect.signature(self._on_selection_change).parameters) except ValueError: self._logger.error('Failed to get on_selection_change signature!') except TypeError: self._logger.error('Type of object not supported for signature identification!')

Depending on the number of parameters for the self._on_selection_change, pass in the x and y

values, or do nothing

if num_args == 1: self._on_selection_change(self.get()) elif num_args == 0: self._on_selection_change() else: raise ValueError('On selection change event must accept either 0 or 1 parameters!')

def get_selected_item_index(self) -> int: """Gets the currently selected item


Return Variable Type Doc
selected_item int the currently highlighted menu item


def set_selected_item_index(self, selected_item_index: int) -> None

Sets the currently selected item


Parameter Type Doc
selected_item int The new selected item index


def _scroll_up(self) -> None

Function that scrolls the view up in the scroll menu


def _scroll_down(self, viewport_height: int) -> None

Function that scrolls the view down in the scroll menu

TODO: Viewport height should be calculated internally, and not rely on a parameter.


Parameter Type Doc
viewport_height int The number of visible viewport items


def _jump_up(self) -> None

Function for jumping up menu several spots at a time


def _jump_down(self, viewport_height: int) -> None

Function for jumping down the menu several spots at a time


Parameter Type Doc
viewport_height int The number of visible viewport items


def _jump_to_top(self) -> None

Function that jumps to the top of the menu


def _jump_to_bottom(self, viewport_height: int) -> None

Function that jumps to the bottom of the menu


Parameter Type Doc
viewport_height int The number of visible viewport items


def add_item(self, item: Any) -> None

Adds an item to the menu.


Parameter Type Doc
item Object Object to add to the menu. Must have implemented str function


def add_item_list(self, item_list: List[Any]) -> None

Adds a list of items to the scroll menu.


Parameter Type Doc
item_list List[Object] list of objects to add as items to the scrollmenu


def remove_selected_item(self) -> None

Function that removes the selected item from the scroll menu.


def remove_item(self, item: Any) -> None

Function that removes a specific item from the menu


Parameter Type Doc
item Object Reference of item to remove


def get_item_list(self) -> List[Any]

Function that gets list of items in a scroll menu


Return Variable Type Doc
item_list List[Object] list of items in the scrollmenu


def get(self) -> Optional[Any]

Function that gets the selected item from the scroll menu


Return Variable Type Doc
item Object selected item, or None if there are no items in the menu


def set_selected_item(self, selected_item: Any)

Function that replaces the currently selected item with a new item


Parameter Type Doc
item Object A new selected item to replace the current one


class CheckBoxMenuImplementation(MenuImplementation)

Class representing checkbox menu ui implementation


Attribute Type Doc
_selected_item_dict dict of object -> bool stores each object and maps to its current selected status
_checked_char char Character to mark checked items


Method Doc
add_item Extends base class function, item is added and marked as unchecked to start
remove_selected_item Removes selected item from item list and selected item dictionary
remove_item Removes item from item list and selected item dict
toggle_item_checked Function that marks an item as selected
mark_item_as_checked Function that marks an item as selected
mark_item_as_not_checked Function that marks an item as selected


def __init__(self, logger, checked_char)

Initializer for the checkbox menu implementation


def add_item(self, item: Any) -> None

Extends base class function, item is added and marked as unchecked to start


Parameter Type Doc
item object The item being added


def remove_selected_item(self) -> None

Removes selected item from item list and selected item dictionary


def remove_item(self, item) -> None

Removes item from item list and selected item dict


Parameter Type Doc
item object Item to remove from menu


def toggle_item_checked(self, item: Any)

Function that marks an item as selected


Parameter Type Doc
item object Toggle item checked state


def mark_item_as_checked(self, item: Any) -> None

Function that marks an item as selected


Parameter Type Doc
item object Toggle item checked state


def mark_item_as_not_checked(self, item) -> None

Function that marks an item as selected


Parameter Type Doc
item object Item to uncheck


class TextBlockImplementation(UIImplementation)

Base class for TextBlockImplementation

Contains all logic required for a textblock ui element to function. Currently only implemented in widget form, though popup form is possible.


Attribute Type Doc
_text_lines List[str] the lines of text in the texbox
_viewport_x_start, _viewport_y_start int Initial location of viewport relative to text
_cursor_text_pos_x, _cursor_text_pos_y int Cursor position relative to text
_cursor_x, _cursor_y int Absolute cursor position in characters
_cursor_max_up, _cursor_max_down int cursor limits in vertical space
_cursor_max_left, _cursor_max_right int Cursor limits in horizontal space
_viewport_height, _viewport_width int The dimensions of the viewport in characters


Method Doc
get_viewport_start_pos Gets upper left corner position of viewport
get_viewport_dims Gets viewport dimensions in characters
get_cursor_text_pos Gets cursor postion relative to text
get_abs_cursor_position Gets absolute cursor position in terminal characters
get_cursor_limits_vertical Gets limits for cursor in vertical direction
get_cursor_limits_horizontal Gets limits for cursor in horizontal direction
get Gets all of the text in the textblock and returns it
write Function used for writing text to the text block
clear Function that clears the text block
get_current_line Returns the line on which the cursor currently resides
set_text Function that sets the text for the textblock.
set_text_line Function that sets the current line's text.
_move_left Function that moves the cursor/text position one location to the left
_move_right Function that moves the cursor/text position one location to the right
_move_up Function that moves the cursor/text position one location up
_move_down Function that moves the cursor/text position one location down
_handle_newline Function that handles recieving newline characters in the text
_handle_backspace Function that handles recieving backspace characters in the text
_handle_home Function that handles recieving a home keypress
_handle_end Function that handles recieving an end keypress
_handle_delete Function that handles recieving a delete keypress
_insert_char Function that handles recieving a character


def __init__(self, initial_text: str, logger)

Initializer for TextBlockImplementation base class

Zeros attributes, and parses initial text


def get_viewport_start_pos(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets upper left corner position of viewport


Return Variable Type Doc
viewport_x_start, viewport_y_start int Initial location of viewport relative to text


def get_viewport_dims(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets viewport dimensions in characters


Return Variable Type Doc
viewport_height, viewport_width int The dimensions of the viewport in characters


def get_cursor_text_pos(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets cursor postion relative to text


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_text_pos_x, cursor_text_pos_y int Cursor position relative to text


def get_abs_cursor_position(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets absolute cursor position in terminal characters


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_x, cursor_y int Absolute cursor position in characters


def get_cursor_limits_vertical(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets limits for cursor in vertical direction


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_max_up, cursor_max_down int cursor limits in vertical space


def get_cursor_limits_horizontal(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets limits for cursor in horizontal direction


Return Variable Type Doc
cursor_max_left, cursor_max_right int Cursor limits in horizontal space


def get(self) -> str

Gets all of the text in the textblock and returns it


Return Variable Type Doc
text str The current text in the text block


def write(self, text: str) -> None

Function used for writing text to the text block


Parameter Type Doc
text str Text to write to the text block


def clear(self) -> None

Function that clears the text block


def get_current_line(self) -> str

Returns the line on which the cursor currently resides


Return Variable Type Doc
current_line str The current line of text that the cursor is on


def set_text(self, text: str) -> None

Function that sets the text for the textblock.

Note that this will overwrite any existing text


Parameter Type Doc
text str text to write into text block


def set_text_line(self, text: str) -> None

Function that sets the current line's text.

Meant only for internal use


Parameter Type Doc
text str text line to write into text block


def _move_left(self) -> None

Function that moves the cursor/text position one location to the left


def _move_right(self) -> None

Function that moves the cursor/text position one location to the right


def _move_up(self) -> None

Function that moves the cursor/text position one location up


def _move_down(self) -> None

Function that moves the cursor/text position one location down


def _handle_newline(self) -> None

Function that handles recieving newline characters in the text


def _handle_backspace(self) -> None

Function that handles recieving backspace characters in the text


def _handle_home(self) -> None

Function that handles recieving a home keypress


def _handle_end(self) -> None

Function that handles recieving an end keypress


def _handle_delete(self) -> None

Function that handles recieving a delete keypress


def _insert_char(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Function that handles recieving a character


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed