
Module containing the py_cui renderer. It is used to draw all of the onscreen ui_elements and items.


Class Doc
Renderer Main renderer class used for drawing ui_elements to the terminal.


class Renderer

Main renderer class used for drawing ui_elements to the terminal.

Has helper functions for drawing the borders, cursor, and text required for the cui. All of the functions supplied by the renderer class should only be used internally.


Attribute Type Doc
root py_cui.PyCUI The parent window
stdscr standard cursor The cursor with which renderer draws text
color_rules list of py_cui.colors.ColorRule List of currently loaded rules to apply during drawing


Method Doc
_set_border_renderer_chars Function that sets the border characters for ui_elements
_set_bold Sets bold draw mode
_unset_bold Unsets bold draw mode
set_color_rules Sets current color rules
set_color_mode Sets the output color mode
unset_color_mode Unsets the output color mode
reset_cursor Positions the cursor at the bottom right of the selected element
draw_cursor Draws the cursor at a particular location
draw_border Draws ascii border around ui element
_draw_border_top Internal function for drawing top of border
_draw_border_bottom Internal function for drawing bottom of border
_draw_blank_row Internal function for drawing a blank row
_get_render_text Internal function that computes the scope of the text that should be drawn
_generate_text_color_fragments Function that applies color rules to text, dividing them if match is found
draw_text Function that draws ui_element text.


def __init__(self, root: 'py_cui.PyCUI', stdscr, logger)

Constructor for renderer object


def _set_border_renderer_chars(self, border_char_set: Dict[str,str]) -> None

Function that sets the border characters for ui_elements


Parameter Type Doc
border_characters Dict of str to str The border characters as specified by user


def _set_bold(self) -> None

Sets bold draw mode


def _unset_bold(self) -> None

Unsets bold draw mode


def set_color_rules(self, color_rules) -> None

Sets current color rules


Parameter Type Doc
color_rules List[py_cui.colors.ColorRule] List of currently loaded rules to apply during drawing


def set_color_mode(self, color_mode: int) -> None

Sets the output color mode


Parameter Type Doc
color_mode int Color code to apply during drawing


def unset_color_mode(self, color_mode: int) -> None

Unsets the output color mode


Parameter Type Doc
color_mode int Color code to unapply during drawing


def reset_cursor(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', fill: bool=True) -> None

Positions the cursor at the bottom right of the selected element


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement ui element for which to reset cursor
fill bool a flag that tells the renderer if the element is filling its grid space, or not (ex. Textbox vs textblock)


def draw_cursor(self, cursor_y: int, cursor_x: int) -> None

Draws the cursor at a particular location


Parameter Type Doc
cursor_x, cursor_y int x, y coordinates where to draw the cursor


def draw_border(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', fill: bool=True, with_title: bool=True) -> None

Draws ascii border around ui element


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
fill bool a flag that tells the renderer if the ui_element is filling its grid space, or not (ex. Textbox vs textblock)
with_title bool flag that tells whether or not to draw ui_element title


def _draw_border_top(self, ui_element:'py_cui.ui.UIElement', y: int, with_title: bool) -> None

Internal function for drawing top of border


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
y int the terminal row (top down) on which to draw the text
with_title bool Flag that tells renderer if title should be superimposed into border.


def _draw_border_bottom(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', y: int) -> None

Internal function for drawing bottom of border


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
y int the terminal row (top down) on which to draw the text


def _draw_blank_row(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', y: int) -> None

Internal function for drawing a blank row


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
y int the terminal row (top down) on which to draw the text


def _get_render_text(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', line: str, centered: bool, bordered: bool, selected, start_pos:int) -> List[List[Union[int,str]]]

Internal function that computes the scope of the text that should be drawn


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
line str the line of text being drawn
centered bool flag to set if the text should be centered
bordered bool a flag to set if the text should be bordered
start_pos int position to start rendering the text from.


Return Variable Type Doc
render_text str # to be checked, returns a List of [int,str] The text shortened to fit within given space


def _generate_text_color_fragments(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', line: str, render_text: str, selected) -> List[List[Union[int,str]]]

Function that applies color rules to text, dividing them if match is found


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
line str the line of text being drawn
render_text str The text shortened to fit within given space


Return Variable Type Doc
fragments list of [int, str] list of text - color code combinations to write


def draw_text(self, ui_element: 'py_cui.ui.UIElement', line: str, y: int, centered: bool = False, bordered: bool = True, selected: bool = False, start_pos: int = 0)

Function that draws ui_element text.


Parameter Type Doc
ui_element py_cui.ui.UIElement The ui_element being drawn
line str the line of text being drawn
y int the terminal row (top down) on which to draw the text
centered bool flag to set if the text should be centered
bordered bool a flag to set if the text should be bordered
selected bool Flag that tells renderer if ui_element is selected.
start_pos int position to start rendering the text from.