
Module containing all core widget classes for py_cui.

Widgets are the basic building blocks of a user interface made with py_cui. This module contains classes for:

  • Base Widget class
  • Label
  • Block Label
  • Scroll Menu
  • Checkbox Menu
  • Button
  • TextBox
  • Text Block
  • Slider

Additional widgets should be added in appropriate sub-modules, importing this file and extending the base Widget class, or if appropriate one of the other core widgets.


Class Doc
Widget(py_cui.ui.UIElement) Top Level Widget Base Class
Label(Widget) The most basic subclass of Widget.
BlockLabel(Widget) A Variation of the label widget that renders a block of text.
ScrollMenu(Widget, py_cui.ui.MenuImplementation) A scroll menu widget.
CheckBoxMenu(Widget, py_cui.ui.CheckBoxMenuImplementation) Extension of ScrollMenu that allows for multiple items to be selected at once.
Button(Widget) Basic button widget.
TextBox(Widget, py_cui.ui.TextBoxImplementation) Widget for entering small single lines of text
ScrollTextBlock(Widget, py_cui.ui.TextBlockImplementation) Widget for editing large multi-line blocks of text


class Widget(py_cui.ui.UIElement)

Top Level Widget Base Class

Extended by all widgets. Contains base classes for handling key presses, drawing, and setting status bar text.


Attribute Type Doc
_grid py_cui.grid.Grid The parent grid object of the widget
_row, _column int row and column position of the widget
_row_span, _column_span int number of rows or columns spanned by the widget
_selectable bool Flag that says if a widget can be selected
_key_commands dict Dictionary mapping key codes to functions
_text_color_rules List[py_cui.ColorRule] color rules to load into renderer when drawing widget


Method Doc
add_key_command Maps a keycode to a function that will be executed when in focus mode
add_mouse_command Maps a keycode to a function that will be executed when in focus mode
update_key_command Maps a keycode to a function that will be executed when in focus mode, if key is already mapped
add_text_color_rule Forces renderer to draw text using given color if text_condition_function returns True
get_absolute_start_pos Gets the absolute position of the widget in characters. Override of base class function
get_absolute_stop_pos Gets the absolute dimensions of the widget in characters. Override of base class function
get_grid_cell Gets widget row, column in grid
get_grid_cell_spans Gets widget row span, column span in grid
set_selectable Setter for widget selectablility
is_selectable Checks if the widget is selectable
_is_row_col_inside Checks if a particular row + column is inside the widget area
_handle_mouse_press Base class function that handles all assigned mouse presses.
_handle_key_press Base class function that handles all assigned key presses.
_draw Base class draw class that checks if renderer is valid.


def __init__(self, id, title: str, grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger, selectable: bool = True)

Initializer for base widget class

Class UIElement superclass initializer, and then assigns widget to grid, along with row/column info and color rules and key commands


def add_key_command(self, key: int, command: Callable[[],Any]) -> Any

Maps a keycode to a function that will be executed when in focus mode


Parameter Type Doc
key py_cui.keys.KEY ascii keycode used to map the key
command function without args a non-argument function or lambda function to execute if in focus mode and key is pressed


def add_mouse_command(self, mouse_event: int, command: Callable[[],Any]) -> None

Maps a keycode to a function that will be executed when in focus mode


Parameter Type Doc
key py_cui.keys.MOUSE_EVENT Mouse event code from py_cui.keys
command Callable a non-argument function or lambda function to execute if in focus mode and key is pressed


Error Type Doc
Unknown PyCUIError If input mouse event code is not valid


def update_key_command(self, key: int, command: Callable[[],Any]) -> Any

Maps a keycode to a function that will be executed when in focus mode, if key is already mapped


Parameter Type Doc
key py_cui.keys.KEY ascii keycode used to map the key
command function without args a non-argument function or lambda function to execute if in focus mode and key is pressed


def add_text_color_rule(self, regex: str, color: int, rule_type: str, match_type: str='line', region: List[int]=[0,1], include_whitespace: bool=False, selected_color=None) -> None

Forces renderer to draw text using given color if text_condition_function returns True


Parameter Type Doc
regex str A string to check against the line for a given rule type
color int a supported py_cui color value
rule_type string A supported color rule type
match_type='line' str sets match type. Can be 'line', 'regex', or 'region'
region=[0,1] [int, int] A specified region to color if using match_type='region'
include_whitespace bool if false, strip string before checking for match


def get_absolute_start_pos(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets the absolute position of the widget in characters. Override of base class function


Return Variable Type Doc
x_pos, y_pos int position of widget in terminal


def get_absolute_stop_pos(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets the absolute dimensions of the widget in characters. Override of base class function


Return Variable Type Doc
width, height int dimensions of widget in terminal


def get_grid_cell(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets widget row, column in grid


Return Variable Type Doc
row, column int Initial row and column placement for widget in grid


def get_grid_cell_spans(self) -> Tuple[int,int]

Gets widget row span, column span in grid


Return Variable Type Doc
row_span, column_span int Initial row span and column span placement for widget in grid


def set_selectable(self, selectable: bool) -> None

Setter for widget selectablility


selectable : bool Widget selectable if true, otherwise not


def is_selectable(self) -> bool

Checks if the widget is selectable


Return Variable Type Doc
selectable bool True if selectable, false otherwise


def _is_row_col_inside(self, row: int, col: int) -> bool

Checks if a particular row + column is inside the widget area


Parameter Type Doc
row, col int row and column position to check


Return Variable Type Doc
is_inside bool True if row, col is within widget bounds, false otherwise


def _handle_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, mouse_event: int)

Base class function that handles all assigned mouse presses.

When overwriting this function, make sure to add a super()._handle_mouse_press(x, y, mouse_event) call, as this is required for user defined key command support


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Base class function that handles all assigned key presses.

When overwriting this function, make sure to add a super()._handle_key_press(key_pressed) call, as this is required for user defined key command support


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed


def _draw(self) -> None

Base class draw class that checks if renderer is valid.

Should be called with super()._draw() in overrides. Also intializes color rules, so if not called color rules will not be applied


class Label(Widget)

The most basic subclass of Widget.

Simply displays one centered row of text. Has no unique attributes or methods


Attribute Type Doc
draw_border bool Toggle for drawing label border


Method Doc
toggle_border Function that gives option to draw border around label
_draw Override base draw class.


def __init__(self, id, title: str,  grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger)

Initalizer for Label widget


def toggle_border(self) -> None

Function that gives option to draw border around label


def _draw(self) -> None

Override base draw class.

Center text and draw it


class BlockLabel(Widget)

A Variation of the label widget that renders a block of text.


Attribute Type Doc
lines list of str list of lines that make up block text
center bool Decides whether or not label should be centered


Method Doc
set_title Override of base class, splits title into lines for rendering line by line.
toggle_border Function that gives option to draw border around label
_draw Override base draw class.


def __init__(self, id, title: str,  grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, center, logger)

Initializer for blocklabel widget


def set_title(self, title: str) -> None

Override of base class, splits title into lines for rendering line by line.


Parameter Type Doc
title str The new title for the block label object.


def toggle_border(self) -> None

Function that gives option to draw border around label


def _draw(self) -> None

Override base draw class.

Center text and draw it

ScrollMenu(Widget, py_cui.ui.MenuImplementation)

class ScrollMenu(Widget, py_cui.ui.MenuImplementation)

A scroll menu widget.


Method Doc
_handle_mouse_press Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu
_handle_key_press Override base class function.
_draw Overrides base class draw function


def __init__(self, id, title: str, grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger: 'py_cui.debug.PyCUILogger')

Initializer for scroll menu. calls superclass initializers and sets help text


def _handle_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, mouse_event: int)

Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu


Parameter Type Doc
x, y int Coordinates of mouse press


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Override base class function.

UP_ARROW scrolls up, DOWN_ARROW scrolls down.


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed


def _draw(self) -> None

Overrides base class draw function

CheckBoxMenu(Widget, py_cui.ui.CheckBoxMenuImplementation)

class CheckBoxMenu(Widget, py_cui.ui.CheckBoxMenuImplementation)

Extension of ScrollMenu that allows for multiple items to be selected at once.


Attribute Type Doc
selected_item_list list of str List of checked items
checked_char char Character to represent a checked item


Method Doc
_handle_mouse_press Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu
_handle_key_press Override of key presses.
_draw Overrides base class draw function


def __init__(self, id, title: str, grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger, checked_char: str)

Initializer for CheckBoxMenu Widget


def _handle_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, mouse_event: int) -> None

Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu


Parameter Type Doc
x, y int Coordinates of mouse press


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Override of key presses.

First, run the superclass function, scrolling should still work. Adds Enter command to toggle selection


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of pressed key


def _draw(self) -> None

Overrides base class draw function


class Button(Widget)

Basic button widget.

Allows for running a command function on Enter


Attribute Type Doc
command function A no-args function to run when the button is pressed.


Method Doc
_handle_key_press Override of base class, adds ENTER listener that runs the button's command
_draw Override of base class draw function


def __init__(self, id, title: str, grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger, command: Optional[Callable[[],Any]])

Initializer for Button Widget


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Override of base class, adds ENTER listener that runs the button's command


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int Key code of pressed key


def _draw(self) -> None

Override of base class draw function

TextBox(Widget, py_cui.ui.TextBoxImplementation)

class TextBox(Widget, py_cui.ui.TextBoxImplementation)

Widget for entering small single lines of text


Method Doc
update_height_width Need to update all cursor positions on resize
_handle_mouse_press Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu
_handle_key_press Override of base handle key press function
_draw Override of base draw function


def __init__(self, id, title: str, grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger, initial_text: str, password: bool)

Initializer for TextBox widget. Uses TextBoxImplementation as base


def update_height_width(self) -> None

Need to update all cursor positions on resize


def _handle_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, mouse_event: int) -> None

Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu


Parameter Type Doc
x, y int Coordinates of mouse press


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Override of base handle key press function


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed


def _draw(self) -> None

Override of base draw function

ScrollTextBlock(Widget, py_cui.ui.TextBlockImplementation)

class ScrollTextBlock(Widget, py_cui.ui.TextBlockImplementation)

Widget for editing large multi-line blocks of text


Method Doc
update_height_width Function that updates the position of the text and cursor on resize
_handle_mouse_press Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu
_handle_key_press Override of base class handle key press function
_draw Override of base class draw function


def __init__(self, id, title: str, grid: 'py_cui.grid.Grid', row: int, column: int, row_span: int, column_span: int, padx: int, pady: int, logger, initial_text: str)

Initializer for TextBlock Widget. Uses TextBlockImplementation as base


def update_height_width(self) -> None

Function that updates the position of the text and cursor on resize


def _handle_mouse_press(self, x: int, y: int, mouse_event: int) -> None

Override of base class function, handles mouse press in menu


Parameter Type Doc
x, y int Coordinates of mouse press


def _handle_key_press(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Override of base class handle key press function


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed int key code of key pressed


def _draw(self) -> None

Override of base class draw function