
A python library for intuitively creating CUI/TUI interfaces with pre-built widgets.


Class Doc
PyCUI Base CUI class


Function Doc
fit_text Fits text to screen size


def fit_text(width: int, text: str, center: bool = False) -> str

Fits text to screen size

Helper function to fit text within a given width. Used to fix issue with status/title bar text being too long


Parameter Type Doc
width int width of window in characters
text str input text
center Boolean flag to center text


Return Variable Type Doc
fitted_text str text fixed depending on width


class PyCUI

Base CUI class

Main user interface class for py_cui. To create a user interface, you must first create an instance of this class, and then add cells + widgets to it.


Attribute Type Doc
cursor_x, cursor_y int absolute position of the cursor in the CUI
grid py_cui.grid.Grid The main layout manager for the CUI
widgets dict of str - py_cui.widgets.Widget dict of widget in the grid
title_bar py_cui.statusbar.StatusBar a status bar object that gets drawn at the top of the CUI
status_bar py_cui.statusbar.StatusBar a status bar object that gets drawn at the bottom of the CUI
keybindings list of py_cui.keybinding.KeyBinding list of keybindings to check against in the main CUI loop
height, width int height of the terminal in characters, width of terminal in characters
exit_key key_code a key code for a key that exits the CUI
simulated_terminal List[int] Dimensions for an alternative simulated terminal (used for testing)


Method Doc
set_refresh_timeout Sets the CUI auto-refresh timeout to a number of seconds.
set_on_draw_update_func Adds a function that is fired during each draw call of the CUI
set_widget_cycle_key Assigns a key for automatically cycling through widgets in both focus and overview modes
enable_logging Function enables logging for py_cui library
apply_widget_set Function that replaces all widgets in a py_cui with those of a different widget set
create_new_widget_set Function that is used to create additional widget sets
start Function that starts the CUI
stop Function that stops the CUI, and fires the callback function.
run_on_exit Sets callback function on CUI exit. Must be a no-argument function or lambda function
set_title Sets the title bar text
set_status_bar_text Sets the status bar text when in overview mode
_initialize_colors Function for initialzing curses colors. Called when CUI is first created.
_initialize_widget_renderer Function that creates the renderer object that will draw each widget
toggle_unicode_borders Function for toggling unicode based border rendering
set_widget_border_characters Function that can be used to set arbitrary border characters for drawing widget borders by renderer.
get_widgets Function that gets current set of widgets
add_scroll_menu Function that adds a new scroll menu to the CUI grid
add_checkbox_menu Function that adds a new checkbox menu to the CUI grid
add_text_box Function that adds a new text box to the CUI grid
add_text_block Function that adds a new text block to the CUI grid
add_label Function that adds a new label to the CUI grid
add_block_label Function that adds a new block label to the CUI grid
add_button Function that adds a new button to the CUI grid
add_slider Function that adds a new label to the CUI grid
forget_widget Function that is used to destroy or "forget" widgets. Forgotten widgets will no longer be drawn
get_element_at_position Returns containing widget for character position
_get_horizontal_neighbors Gets all horizontal (left, right) neighbor widgets
_get_vertical_neighbors Gets all vertical (up, down) neighbor widgets
_check_if_neighbor_exists Function that checks if widget has neighbor in specified cell.
get_selected_widget Function that gets currently selected widget
set_selected_widget Function that sets the selected widget for the CUI
lose_focus Function that forces py_cui out of focus mode.
move_focus Moves focus mode to different widget
_cycle_widgets Function that is fired if cycle key is pressed to move to next widget
add_key_command Function that adds a keybinding to the CUI when in overview mode
show_message_popup Shows a message popup
show_warning_popup Shows a warning popup
show_error_popup Shows an error popup
show_yes_no_popup Shows a yes/no popup.
show_text_box_popup Shows a textbox popup.
show_menu_popup Shows a menu popup.
show_loading_icon_popup Shows a loading icon popup
show_loading_bar_popup Shows loading bar popup.
show_form_popup Shows form popup.
show_filedialog_popup Shows form popup.
increment_loading_bar Increments progress bar if loading bar popup is open
stop_loading_popup Leaves loading state, and closes popup.
close_popup Closes the popup, and resets focus
_refresh_height_width Function that updates the height and width of the CUI based on terminal window size."""
_draw_widgets Function that draws all of the widgets to the screen
_draw_status_bars Draws status bar and title bar
_display_window_warning Function that prints some basic error info if there is an error with the CUI
_handle_key_presses Function that handles all main loop key presses.
_draw Main CUI draw loop called by start()
format Override of base format function. Prints list of current widgets.


def __init__(self, num_rows: int, num_cols: int, auto_focus_buttons: bool=True

Initializer for PyCUI class


def set_refresh_timeout(self, timeout: int)

Sets the CUI auto-refresh timeout to a number of seconds.


Parameter Type Doc
timeout int Number of seconds to wait before refreshing the CUI


def set_on_draw_update_func(self, update_function: Callable[[],Any])

Adds a function that is fired during each draw call of the CUI


Parameter Type Doc
update_function function A no-argument or lambda function that is fired at the start of each draw call


def set_widget_cycle_key(self, forward_cycle_key: int=None, reverse_cycle_key: int=None) -> None

Assigns a key for automatically cycling through widgets in both focus and overview modes


Parameter Type Doc
widget_cycle_key py_cui.keys.KEY Key code for key to cycle through widgets


def set_toggle_live_debug_key(self, toggle_debug_key: int) -> None


def enable_logging(self, log_file_path: str='py_cui.log', logging_level = logging.DEBUG, live_debug_key: int = py_cui.keys.KEY_CTRL_D) -> None

Function enables logging for py_cui library


Parameter Type Doc
log_file_path str The target log filepath. Default 'py_cui_log.txt
logging_level int Default logging level = logging.DEBUG


def apply_widget_set(self, new_widget_set: py_cui.widget_set.WidgetSet) -> None

Function that replaces all widgets in a py_cui with those of a different widget set


Parameter Type Doc
new_widget_set WidgetSet The new widget set to switch to


Error Type Doc
Unknown TypeError If input is not of type WidgetSet


def create_new_widget_set(self, num_rows: int, num_cols: int) -> 'py_cui.widget_set.WidgetSet'

Function that is used to create additional widget sets

Use this function instead of directly creating widget set object instances, to allow for logging support.


Parameter Type Doc
num_rows int row count for new widget set
num_cols int column count for new widget set


Return Variable Type Doc
new_widget_set py_cui.widget_set.WidgetSet The new widget set object instance


def start(self) -> None

Function that starts the CUI


def stop(self) -> None

Function that stops the CUI, and fires the callback function.

Callback must be a no arg method


def run_on_exit(self, command: Callable[[],Any])

Sets callback function on CUI exit. Must be a no-argument function or lambda function


Parameter Type Doc
command function A no-argument or lambda function to be fired on exit


def set_title(self, title: str) -> None

Sets the title bar text


Parameter Type Doc
title str New title for CUI


def set_status_bar_text(self, text: str) -> None

Sets the status bar text when in overview mode


Parameter Type Doc
text str Status bar text


def _initialize_colors(self) -> None

Function for initialzing curses colors. Called when CUI is first created.


def _initialize_widget_renderer(self) -> None

Function that creates the renderer object that will draw each widget


def toggle_unicode_borders(self) -> None

Function for toggling unicode based border rendering


def set_widget_border_characters(self, upper_left_corner: str, upper_right_corner: str, lower_left_corner: str, lower_right_corner: str, horizontal: str, vertical: str) -> None

Function that can be used to set arbitrary border characters for drawing widget borders by renderer.


Parameter Type Doc
upper_left_corner char Upper left corner character
upper_right_corner char Upper right corner character
lower_left_corner char Upper left corner character
lower_right_corner char Lower right corner character
horizontal char Horizontal border character
vertical char Vertical border character


def get_widgets(self) -> Dict[int,Optional['py_cui.widgets.Widget']]

Function that gets current set of widgets


Return Variable Type Doc
widgets dict of int -> widget dictionary mapping widget IDs to object instances


def add_scroll_menu(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int=1, column_span: int=1, padx: int=1, pady: int=0) -> 'py_cui.widgets.ScrollMenu'

Function that adds a new scroll menu to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the scroll menu
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction


Return Variable Type Doc
new_scroll_menu ScrollMenu A reference to the created scroll menu object.


def add_checkbox_menu(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int=1, column_span: int=1, padx: int=1, pady: int=0, checked_char: str='X') -> 'py_cui.widgets.CheckBoxMenu'

Function that adds a new checkbox menu to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the checkbox
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction
checked_char='X' char The character used to mark 'Checked' items


Return Variable Type Doc
new_checkbox_menu CheckBoxMenu A reference to the created checkbox object.


def add_text_box(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int = 1, column_span: int = 1, padx: int = 1, pady: int = 0, initial_text: str = '', password: bool = False) -> 'py_cui.widgets.TextBox'

Function that adds a new text box to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the textbox
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction
initial_text='' str Initial text for the textbox
password=False bool Toggle to show '*' instead of characters.


Return Variable Type Doc
new_text_box TextBox A reference to the created textbox object.


def add_text_block(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int = 1, column_span: int = 1, padx: int = 1, pady: int = 0, initial_text: str = '') -> 'py_cui.widgets.ScrollTextBlock'

Function that adds a new text block to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the text block
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction
initial_text='' str Initial text for the text block


Return Variable Type Doc
new_text_block ScrollTextBlock A reference to the created textblock object.


def add_label(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int = 1, column_span: int = 1, padx: int = 1, pady: int = 0) -> 'py_cui.widgets.Label'

Function that adds a new label to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the label
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction


Return Variable Type Doc
new_label Label A reference to the created label object.


def add_block_label(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int = 1, column_span: int = 1, padx: int = 1, pady: int = 0, center: bool=True) -> 'py_cui.widgets.BlockLabel'

Function that adds a new block label to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the block label
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction
center bool flag to tell label to be centered or left-aligned.


Return Variable Type Doc
new_label BlockLabel A reference to the created block label object.


def add_button(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int = 1, column_span: int = 1, padx: int = 1, pady: int = 0, command: Callable[[],Any]=None) -> 'py_cui.widgets.Button'

Function that adds a new button to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the button
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction
command=None Function A no-argument or lambda function to fire on button press.


Return Variable Type Doc
new_button Button A reference to the created button object.


def add_slider(self, title: str, row: int, column: int, row_span: int=1

Function that adds a new label to the CUI grid


Parameter Type Doc
title str The title of the label
row int The row value, from the top down
column int The column value from the top down
row_span=1 int The number of rows to span accross
column_span=1 int the number of columns to span accross
padx=1 int number of padding characters in the x direction
pady=0 int number of padding characters in the y direction
Unknown min_val = 0 int min value of the slider
Unknown max_val = 0 int max value of the slider
Unknown step = 0 int step to incremento or decrement
Unknown init_val = 0 int initial value of the slider


Return Variable Type Doc
new_slider Slider A reference to the created slider object.


def forget_widget(self, widget : 'py_cui.widgets.Widget') -> None

Function that is used to destroy or "forget" widgets. Forgotten widgets will no longer be drawn


Parameter Type Doc
widget py_cui.widgets.Widget Widget to remove from the UI


Error Type Doc
Unknown TypeError If input parameter is not of the py_cui widget type
Unknown KeyError If input widget does not exist in the current UI or has already been removed.


def get_element_at_position(self, x: int, y: int) -> Optional['py_cui.ui.UIElement']

Returns containing widget for character position


Parameter Type Doc
x int Horizontal character position
y int Vertical character position, top down


Return Variable Type Doc
in_widget UIElement Widget or popup that is within the position None if nothing


def _get_horizontal_neighbors(self, widget: 'py_cui.widgets.Widget', direction: int) -> Optional[List[int]]

Gets all horizontal (left, right) neighbor widgets


Parameter Type Doc
widget py_cui.widgets.Widget The currently selected widget
direction py_cui.keys.KEY* must be an arrow key value


Return Variable Type Doc
id_list list[] A list of the neighbor widget ids


def _get_vertical_neighbors(self, widget: 'py_cui.widgets.Widget', direction: int) -> Optional[List[int]]

Gets all vertical (up, down) neighbor widgets


Parameter Type Doc
widget py_cui.widgets.Widget The currently selected widget
direction py_cui.keys.KEY* must be an arrow key value


Return Variable Type Doc
id_list list[] A list of the neighbor widget ids


def _check_if_neighbor_exists(self, direction: int) -> Optional[int]

Function that checks if widget has neighbor in specified cell.

Used for navigating CUI, as arrow keys find the immediate neighbor


Parameter Type Doc
direction py_cui.keys.KEY_* The direction in which to search


Return Variable Type Doc
widget_id int The widget neighbor ID if found, None otherwise


def get_selected_widget(self) -> Optional['py_cui.widgets.Widget']

Function that gets currently selected widget


Return Variable Type Doc
selected_widget py_cui.widgets.Widget Reference to currently selected widget object


def set_selected_widget(self, widget_id: int) -> None

Function that sets the selected widget for the CUI


Parameter Type Doc
widget_id int the id of the widget to select


def lose_focus(self) -> None

Function that forces py_cui out of focus mode.

After popup is called, focus is lost


def move_focus(self, widget: 'py_cui.widgets.Widget', auto_press_buttons: bool=True) -> None

Moves focus mode to different widget


Parameter Type Doc
widget Widget The widget object we want to move focus to.


def _cycle_widgets(self, reverse: bool=False) -> None

Function that is fired if cycle key is pressed to move to next widget


Parameter Type Doc
reverse bool Default false. If true, cycle widgets in reverse order.


def add_key_command(self, key: int, command: Callable[[],Any]) -> None

Function that adds a keybinding to the CUI when in overview mode


Parameter Type Doc
key py_cui.keys.KEY_* The key bound to the command
command Function A no-arg or lambda function to fire on keypress


def show_message_popup(self, title: str, text: str, color: int = WHITE_ON_BLACK) -> None

Shows a message popup


Parameter Type Doc
title str Message title
text str Message text
color int Popup color with format FOREGOUND_ON_BACKGROUND. See colors module. Default: WHITE_ON_BLACK.


def show_warning_popup(self, title: str, text: str) -> None

Shows a warning popup


Parameter Type Doc
title str Warning title
text str Warning text


def show_error_popup(self, title: str, text: str) -> None

Shows an error popup


Parameter Type Doc
title str Error title
text str Error text


def show_yes_no_popup(self, title: str, command: Callable[[bool], Any])

Shows a yes/no popup.

The 'command' parameter must be a function with a single boolean parameter


Parameter Type Doc
title str Message title
command function A function taking in a single boolean parameter. Will be fired with True if yes selected, false otherwise


def show_text_box_popup(self, title: str, command: Callable[[str], Any], password: bool=False)

Shows a textbox popup.

The 'command' parameter must be a function with a single string parameter


Parameter Type Doc
title str Message title
command Function A function with a single string parameter, fired with contents of textbox when enter key pressed
password=False bool If true, write characters as '*'


def show_menu_popup(self, title: str, menu_items: List[str], command: Callable[[str], Any], run_command_if_none: bool=False)

Shows a menu popup.

The 'command' parameter must be a function with a single string parameter


Parameter Type Doc
title str menu title
menu_items list of str A list of menu items
command Function A function taking in a single string argument. Fired with selected menu item when ENTER pressed.
run_command_if_none=False bool If True, will run command passing in None if no menu item selected.


def show_loading_icon_popup(self, title: str, message: str, callback: Callable[[],Any]=None)

Shows a loading icon popup


Parameter Type Doc
title str Message title
message str Message text. Will show as '$message...'
callback=None Function If not none, fired after loading is completed. Must be a no-arg function


def show_loading_bar_popup(self, title: str, num_items: List[int], callback: Callable[[],Any]=None) -> None

Shows loading bar popup.

Use 'increment_loading_bar' to show progress


Parameter Type Doc
title str Message title
num_items int Number of items to iterate through for loading
callback=None Function If not none, fired after loading is completed. Must be a no-arg function


def show_form_popup(self, title: str, fields: List[str], passwd_fields: List[str]=[], required: List[str]=[], callback: Callable[[],Any]=None) -> None

Shows form popup.

Used for inputting several fields worth of values


Parameter Type Doc
title str Message title
fields List[str] Names of each individual field
passwd_fields List[str] Field names that should have characters hidden
required List[str] Fields that are required before submission
callback=None Function If not none, fired after loading is completed. Must be a no-arg function


def show_filedialog_popup(self, popup_type: str='openfile', initial_dir: str ='.', callback: Callable[[],Any]=None, ascii_icons: bool=True, limit_extensions: List[str]=[]) -> None

Shows form popup.

Used for inputting several fields worth of values


Parameter Type Doc
popup_type str Type of filedialog popup - either openfile, opendir, or saveas
initial_dir os.PathLike Path to directory in which to open the file dialog, default "."
callback=None Callable If not none, fired after loading is completed. Must be a no-arg function, default=None
ascii_icons bool Compatibility option - use ascii icons instead of unicode file/folder icons, default True
limit_extensions List[str] Only show files with extensions in this list if not empty. Default, []


def increment_loading_bar(self) -> None

Increments progress bar if loading bar popup is open


def stop_loading_popup(self) -> None

Leaves loading state, and closes popup.

Must be called by user to escape loading.


def close_popup(self) -> None

Closes the popup, and resets focus


def _refresh_height_width(self) -> None

Function that updates the height and width of the CUI based on terminal window size."""

if self._simulated_terminal is None: if self._stdscr is None: term_size = shutil.get_terminal_size() height = term_size.lines width = term_size.columns else:

Use curses termsize when possible to fix resize bug on windows.

height, width = self._stdscr.getmaxyx() else: height = self._simulated_terminal[0] width = self._simulated_terminal[1]

height = height - self.title_bar.get_height() - self.status_bar.get_height() - 2

self._logger.debug(f'Resizing CUI to new dimensions {height} by {width}')

self._height = height self._width = width self._grid.update_grid_height_width(self._height, self._width) for widget_id in self.get_widgets().keys(): widget = self.get_widgets()[widget_id] #using temp variable, for mypy if widget is not None: widget.update_height_width() if self._popup is not None: self._popup.update_height_width() if self._logger._live_debug_element is not None: self._logger._live_debug_element.update_height_width()

def get_absolute_size(self) -> Tuple[int,int]: """Returns dimensions of CUI


Return Variable Type Doc
height, width int The dimensions of drawable CUI space in characters


def _draw_widgets(self) -> None

Function that draws all of the widgets to the screen


def _draw_status_bars(self, stdscr, height: int, width: int) -> None

Draws status bar and title bar


Parameter Type Doc
stdscr curses Standard cursor The cursor used to draw the status bar
height int Window height in terminal characters
width int Window width in terminal characters


def _display_window_warning(self, stdscr, error_info: str) -> None

Function that prints some basic error info if there is an error with the CUI


Parameter Type Doc
stdscr curses Standard cursor The cursor used to draw the warning
error_info str The information regarding the error.


def _handle_key_presses(self, key_pressed: int) -> None

Function that handles all main loop key presses.


Parameter Type Doc
key_pressed py_cui.keys.KEY_* The key being pressed


def _draw(self, stdscr) -> None

Main CUI draw loop called by start()


Parameter Type Doc
stdscr curses Standard screen The screen buffer used for drawing CUI elements


def __format__(self, fmt)

Override of base format function. Prints list of current widgets.


Parameter Type Doc
fmt Format The format to override