
Module containing color rule class and any color-rendering related functions and variables


Class Doc
ColorRule Class representing a text color rendering rule


class ColorRule

Class representing a text color rendering rule


Attribute Type Doc
regex str A python 're' module string
color int A valid color value. Ex. py_cui.WHITE_ON_BLACK
rule_type str String representing rule type. ['startswith', 'endswith', 'notstartswith', 'notendswith', 'contains']
match_type str String representing the match type. ['line', 'regex', 'region']
region [int, int] Start and end positions for the coloring, None if match_type != 'region'
include_whitespace bool Flag to determine whether to strip whitespace before matching.


Method Doc
_check_match Checks if the color rule matches a line
_generate_fragments_regex Splits text into fragments based on regular expression
_split_text_on_region Splits text into fragments based on region
generate_fragments Splits text into fragments if matched line to regex


def __init__(self, regex: str, color: int, selected_color: int, rule_type: str, match_type: str, region: List[int], include_whitespace: bool, logger)

Constructor for ColorRule object


Parameter Type Doc
regex str A python 're' module string
color int A valid color value. Ex. py_cui.WHITE_ON_BLACK
selected_color int Color to use if rule matched but selected modifier is applied
rule_type str String representing rule type. ['startswith', 'endswith', 'notstartswith', 'notendswith', 'contains']
match_type str String representing the match type. ['line', 'regex', 'region']
region [int, int] Start and end positions for the coloring, None if match_type != 'region'
include_whitespace bool Flag to determine whether to strip whitespace before matching.


def _check_match(self, line: str) -> bool

Checks if the color rule matches a line


Parameter Type Doc
line str The input line of text to try to match the rule against


Return Variable Type Doc
matched bool True if a match was found, false otherwise


def _generate_fragments_regex(self, widget: Union['py_cui.widgets.Widget','py_cui.ui.UIElement'], render_text:str, selected) -> List[List[Union[int,str]]]

Splits text into fragments based on regular expression


Parameter Type Doc
widget py_cui.Widget Widget containing the render text
render_text str text being rendered


Return Variable Type Doc
fragments list of lists of [str, color] the render text split into fragments of strings paired with colors


def _split_text_on_region(self, widget: Union['py_cui.widgets.Widget','py_cui.ui.UIElement'], render_text: str, selected) -> List[List[Union[str,int]]]:   # renderer._generate_text_color_fragments passes a uielement and not a widge

Splits text into fragments based on region


Parameter Type Doc
widget py_cui.Widget Widget containing the render text
render_text str text being rendered


Return Variable Type Doc
fragments list of lists of [str, color] the render text split into fragments of strings paired with colors


def generate_fragments(self, widget: Union['py_cui.widgets.Widget','py_cui.ui.UIElement'], line: str, render_text: str, selected=False) -> Tuple[List[List[Union[str,int]]],bool]

Splits text into fragments if matched line to regex


Parameter Type Doc
widget py_cui.Widget Widget containing the render text
line str the line to match
render_text str text being rendered


Return Variable Type Doc
fragments List[List[str, color]] the render text split into fragments of strings paired with colors
matched bool Boolean output saying if a match was found in the line.