csplit Usage Examples

To build csplit examples, enter the examples directory, and run:

make clean all


make clean debug

to have access to gdb debugging of the examples. This has been tested on linux, as well as on Windows with gcc and make included in MinGW.

Basic Example

Example demonstrating using csplit for splitting string on single character and getting split fragments based on indexes.

// include csplit and stdio
#include "csplit.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // our test string
    char* test_string = "Hello how are you doing?";
    printf("Our demo string is: %s\n", test_string);

    // initialize our output list
    CSplitList_t* list = csplit_init_list();

    // split on the " " (space) character
    CSplitError_t err = csplit(list, test_string, " ");

    // print the list of split fragments to stdout
    print_csplit_list_info(list, stdout);

    // print a separator

    // demo of getting fragment string at an index, 3 index will give us "you"
    char* test_get_index = get_fragment_at_index(list, 3);

    // demo of getting fragment string using reverse index, -1 will give us the last
    // fragment, in this case "doing?"
    char* test_get_r_index = get_fragment_at_index(list, -1);

    // print results
    printf("Get index: %s\n", test_get_index);
    printf("Get reverse index: %s\n", test_get_r_index);

    // free memory

Output from running the above basic example:

jwlodek@HP-Z6-G4-Workstation:~/Documents/csplit/examples$ ./basic_csplit_example 
Our demo string is: Hello how are you doing?
List contains 5 elements
Supports indexes -5 to 4.
Get index: you
Get reverse index: doing?

.csv reading example

Example of using csplit to read .csv files.

// include csplit and stdio
#include "csplit.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // open the file, return if NULL
    FILE* csv_file = fopen("exampleFiles/test.csv", "r");
    if(csv_file == NULL){
        printf("Failed to open file, exiting.\n");
        return -1;

    // buffer for reading from file
    char buffer[256];
    while(fgets(buffer, 256, csv_file)) {

        // ignore lines that are blank
        if(strlen(buffer) > 1){
            // initialize the list, strip whitespace, and call csplit on commas
            CSplitList_t* list = csplit_init_list();
            char* temp = csplit_strip(buffer);
            CSplitError_t err = csplit(list, temp, ",");
            free(temp); /* Make sure to free stripped line */

            // print the split values
            print_csplit_list_info(list, stdout);

            // example iterating through resulting list and summing values read from .csv file
            CSplitFragment_t* current_fragment = list->head;
            int sum = 0;
            while(current_fragment != NULL){
                sum = sum + atoi(current_fragment->text);
                current_fragment = current_fragment->next;

            // print sum of numbers in line, and free memory
            printf("The sum of the elements in the line = %d\n", sum);

    return 0;

When run on input file:

jwlodek@HP-Z6-G4-Workstation:~/Documents/csplit/examples$ more exampleFiles/test.csv 

The above example produces the following output:

jwlodek@HP-Z6-G4-Workstation:~/Documents/csplit/examples$ ./reading_csv_example 
List contains 5 elements
Supports indexes -5 to 4.
The sum of the elements in the line = 26
List contains 5 elements
Supports indexes -5 to 4.
The sum of the elements in the line = 10
List contains 4 elements
Supports indexes -4 to 3.
The sum of the elements in the line = 12
List contains 7 elements
Supports indexes -7 to 6.
The sum of the elements in the line = 36

Basic string operations example

A simple example showing some additional string processing functions included with csplit

#include "csplit.h"
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // init test string
    char* test_string = "Hello how are you doing?\n\n";
    printf("Our demo string is: --%s--\n", test_string);

    // strip outermost whitespace (2 newlines)
    char* stripped_str = csplit_strip(test_string);
    printf("The stripped string is --%s--\n", stripped_str);
    printf("Note the disappeared newline characters.\n");

    // startswith command
    int temp = csplit_startswith(test_string, "Hello");
    if(temp == 0){
        printf("The input started with 'Hello'\n");

    // endswith - will fail here because of newlines, but succeed on the stripped one.
    temp = csplit_endswith(test_string, "doing?");
    if(temp == 0){
        printf("The input string ended with 'doing?'\n");
    temp = csplit_endswith(stripped_str, "doing?");
    if(temp == 0){
        printf("After stripping away newlines, the string ends with 'doing?'\n");

    // remove all whitespace and print
    char* no_whitespace = csplit_remove_whitespace(test_string);
    printf("The input string without any whitespace: --%s--\n", no_whitespace);

    // free memory.

If we run the above example, we get:

jwlodek@HP-Z6-G4-Workstation:~/Documents/csplit/examples$ ./str_processing_example 
Our demo string is: --Hello how are you doing?

The stripped string is --Hello how are you doing?--
Note the disappeared newline characters.
The input started with 'Hello'
After stripping away newlines, the string ends with 'doing?'
The input string without any whitespace: --Hellohowareyoudoing?--

Custom configure example

An example of using csplit to read a custom configuration file

#include "csplit.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    // open the file
    FILE* fp = fopen("exampleFiles/CONFIGURE", "r");

    if(fp == NULL){
        printf("Couldn't open file.\n");
        return -1;

    // char arrays where we will store resulting config
    char install_path[32];
    char build_utests[32];
    char build_examples[32];

    char line_buff[256];
    while(fgets(line_buff, 256, fp)){

        // use csplit and string functions to remove comments and empty lines
        if(csplit_startswith(line_buff, "#") != 0 && strlen(line_buff) > 1){
            CSplitList_t* list = csplit_init_list();

            // initialize list, strip of whitespace, and split on '=' character.
            char* temp = csplit_strip(line_buff);
            CSplitError_t err = csplit(list, temp, "=");

            // free up the stripped string

            // print some info
            printf("Found config line:\n");
            csplit_print_list_info(list, stdout);

            // if we match one of our targets, copy the value (index 1) into the appropriate array
            if(csplit_startswith(csplit_get_fragment_at_index(list, 0), "INSTALL_PATH") == 0){
                strncpy(install_path, csplit_get_fragment_at_index(list, 1), sizeof(install_path));
            else if(csplit_startswith(csplit_get_fragment_at_index(list, 0), "INSTALL_UTESTS") == 0){
                strncpy(build_utests, csplit_get_fragment_at_index(list, 1), sizeof(build_utests));
            else if(csplit_startswith(csplit_get_fragment_at_index(list, 0), "BUILD_EXAMPLES") == 0){
                strncpy(build_examples, csplit_get_fragment_at_index(list, 1), sizeof(build_examples));

            // free list memory

    // close the file, print our results.
    printf("Configuration read from CONFIGURE file is:\n");
    printf("INSTALL_LOCATION: %s, INSTALL_UTESTS: %s, BUILD_EXAMPLES: %s\n", install_path, build_utests, build_examples);
    return 0;

If we run the example on a simple example CONFIGURE file:

jwlodek@HP-Z6-G4-Workstation:~/Documents/csplit/examples$ ./read_configure_example 
Found config line:
List contains 2 elements
Supports indexes -2 to 1.
Found config line:
List contains 2 elements
Supports indexes -2 to 1.
Found config line:
List contains 2 elements
Supports indexes -2 to 1.
Configuration read from CONFIGURE file is: